Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Applying for my life

"Portfolio packets wait their turn in line to be mailed to newspapers across the country in hopes of earning me an internship. The people at the Buchtel Post Office are beginning to know me on a first name basis as I've mailed a total of 27 packets since January 17th."

So many things happened today that I don't even know where to start. 

I guess class would be a good place to start seeing as though it was the beginning to my day. I had Marketing Innovation Strategies at noon and we had a midterm project due today. Unlike every other marketing class we actually don't have to write some version of a marketing plan. Instead we actually get to be creative and develop 30-second advertisements using Apple's iMovie

For the mid-term assignment we were given a selection of AWFUL pictures and video to create a commercial for the Daniel's College of Business aimed at high school juniors, seniors and their parents. When I say AWFUL I mean it. For example some of the photos were of a guy drinking at the water fountain. Several were out of focus and don't even get me started on the video, apparently whoever created it doesn't know what a tripod is. If that wasn't worse enough we were only allowed to add one creative element, music not included, that totaled no more than 10 percent of the work. We chose to add a voice over of one of our group members reading a quote from Bill Daniels, get it...Daniel's College of Business. Several of the other groups violated the 10 percent rule and were challenged by the professor on their strategy. Our 30-second spot received rave reviews from both the professor and our classmates. I was responsible for doing all the editing and putting it together so I was pretty proud of myself.

During that same class I/we found out that Barack Obama is coming to campus on Wednesday morning. He has rented out Magness arena for a community event and will speak at 9:00am. I was thrilled because as a photojournalist it's always exciting when something important happens on campus. As a member of the media I'll be able to cover the event and I'm extremely excited to photograph a presidential hopeful. Stay tuned to see some of my images from the event on Wednesday.

After class I raced over to the local Office Depot to pick up a few mailing supplies. I'm currently in the process of applying for internships at newspapers across the country. My love for photojournalism has led me to stray from my prestigious  marketing degree from DU in hopes of perusing what I love to do. I have missed several of the November and December deadlines at the BIG name papers but several smaller publications still remain. Since January 17th I have mailed 27 portfolio packets. My ideal internship would be the Rocky Mountain News however I've applied to everywhere from Tri-Cities, WA to Provo, UT to Sarasota, FL to Providence, ME. I have absolutely no clue where I'll be living and/or working come June I just hope that I'm taking photos wherever it is. I'll be sure to keep you all updated on the grueling process.

Finally something challenging happened to me while at our weekly editors meeting for The Clarion. I faced an ethical issue when our faculty advisor for the paper asked me to do something unethical regarding digitally manipulating a photo. You can read about the issue HERE. In the photojournalism industry this is a huge issue and the digital world has created several more problems than in the days of film and chemical processing. I don't want to say much more on the issue at this time because I'm currently taking action. I will let you know how things turn out.

With everything that happened today I'm intrigued to see what tomorrow brings. I have an advertising mid-term at 10am so I should know how the day will turn out shortly after that.

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