Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Look out New York

"Friend and fellow co-worker Morgan Jappe poses for a portrait Sunday afternoon. Morgan is headed to the Big Apple after graduation to pursue her vocal career."

I apologize for the lack of posting in the last week. What can I say, school gets in the way of the rest of my life. I registered for my last three classes in my academic career today and let me tell you that it feels great knowing that I'm less than four months from moving on to new and interesting things.

Speaking of moving on, Morgan (above) is planning on moving to New York City after graduation to take advantage of the amazing voice she has. Sure everyone one knows someone with a good voice but Morgan is as I like to say legit! There is no doubt in my mind that she will do well, I just hope she remembers me when she gets to the top. Hopefully I'll meet here there someday. 

She asked me a few months ago if I could take some new head shots of her and we just got around to doing it. I'm always up to apply my talent to help support someone else's. After a few outfit and lighting changes the above picture turned out to be on of my favorite. The shot is a pretty straightforward setup but when you get someone like Morgan on the other side of the camera you really don't need to do too much.

I'm off to bed but before I go I thought I would share some pretty exciting news with you all. Some of you may know that I was one of 20 students accepted to attend the annual Sports Shooter Academy hosted by photographers from the likes of USA Today, The LA Times and Getty Images. I leave two weeks from today for five days of sports photography in Orange County California. This trip lends itself to plenty of excitement but you can probably understand how I nearly jumped through the roof when I found out that I was selected to be one of only five students to shoot a water polo match UNDERWATER while I'm there. The housing for the cameras, which are being loaned by the company, cost over $2,000 a piece so only a handful of students in the country have ever had the chance to do such a thing. I can hardly wait! I'll have more about the trip in the coming weeks so stay tuned.


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