Tuesday, April 1, 2008

APAD 9: April fools

"University of Denver senior Erik Appareti finishes covering his roommates Ford Explorer in saran wrap and shaving cream as part of an April fools joke Tuesday, April 1, 2008 outside their home in Denver, Colo."

Another day, another interesting find. 

Class and work were fairly predictable today which meant that nothing really exiting happened. I did find out that I got an A on my Marketing exam which was both exciting and a little confusing. The Marketing capstone class consists of a marketing simulation game in which groups in the class compete against each other selling computers to businesses. Last week on the first day of class the professor explained that we would have a test on the 77 page PDF manual about the game. She stressed that in order to do well in the game that we would have to know all the details of how it is played. She further stressed that getting a good grade would require us to read the manual at least two times and review the key terms a third. I'm not much of a reader so I was a litter concerned considering it's worth 1/5 of our grade.

I read half of the manual in the middle of the night Sunday and browsed through the rest half an hour before I left for class yesterday afternoon. As I sat down in class and began the exam I thought it was really easy. It was so easy that I didn't really know if I just knew the answers or if I was getting them all wrong. Either way I didn't want to second guess myself and finished the 50 question multiple-choice exam in about 20 minutes. Come to find out today that I did pretty well (92/100).

Well...back to the point of today's post. I was really hoping to find something relating to April fools today when I went out "cruising" after work. As a photojournalist (hopeful) my job is to tell a story to readers and college kids playing a joke on a roommate on National prankster day was about as storytelling as the day could be. It's not an amazing portfolio worthy photo but it helps tell the story and that is what is important.


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