Tuesday, June 10, 2008

APAD 76: Project complete, still jobless

"My close friend and fellow photographer Michael Sasser receives his diploma case from Chancellor Robert Coombe during the University of Denver undergraduate commencement ceremony in Magness Arena in Denver on June 7, 2008."

In the midsts of graduation and all the celebration that follows I somehow forgot to post the final image from the project. Oh well. I did have it printed and on display for everyone at the party so I really don't know how I spaced doing this but I did.

Graduation was rather long and I guess that sitting in a chair while 1,100+ names are read can do that to you. However I entertained myself with candy and triggering the two remotes that Mike and I installed in the catwalk the night before. Luckily for me I have have earned unprecedented access from four great years of service at DU and I had to take advantage of that. We had one camera set up with a 70-200 (see above image) pointed towards the stage and we had another one with a 24 f/3.5 tilt-shift pointed nearly straight down. I had the focus plane set so that only a small strip would be in focus of the position where the Chancellor would be handing out the diploma cases. I had never played with a tilt-shift before so it was a little tricky but I think I did an ok job for my first time playing with it. For all you out there who are severely confused at this point let me just shot you the effect. Mind you that all this is done by the lens and nothing has been done to alter the image in photoshop.
I also had a camera in my hands with a pocket wizard so that I could fire either camera or the arena strobes from my seat. My friends and the other graduates around me were in awe of the setup that I had going and were completely astonished that I knew how to do all of that. It may seem like rocket science to others but it's just fun to me. I made sure to get some good images of all my friends with the remotes and as soon as facebook's photo up-loader decides that it is going to work again they will all be able to see them.

My grad party was great and I couldn't ask for more. The food that my mom and I spent preparing for two days was amazing. There were plenty of people who had a major impact on my accomplishments present. Lots of people have helped me get to where I am and it was good to be able to celebrate with them and thank them for everything that they have done for me.

Although this project is complete you can rest assured that I'm not going anywhere. My posting is going to slow down (I need a break) but I should still get something up a few times a week. Thank you all who have followed me throughout the project. I have reached viewers from over 80 countries and that is simply outstanding. Who knew people in Estonia would care about what I shoot and have to say. Anyway, I appreciate all the support and I'll be sure to keep you updated as I continue the endless saga that is employment. 

P.S. I made a few additions/changes to the blog so feel free to peruse around and be sure to let me know what you think!

EDIT: Pocket Wizard noticed the cool things (remote cameras and strobes in the rafters) that I was able to do at graduation and featured me on their blog....check it out


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