"The Florence High School football team sprints through a tunnel of students and parents as they take the field prior to their game against Manitou Springs High School at Manitou Springs High School in Manitou Springs, Friday, Sept. 26, 2008." The Gazette, Justin Edmonds
Have you ever shot in a cave? No really I'm not exaggerating, I did shoot in a cave tonight. Well it wasn't technically a cave but it should have classified as one. Thankfully for me I had the Nikon D3 on my side. Don't worry I haven't switched from Canon but I do have to give Nikon their props on their latest flagship camera. It performed with outstanding results tonight while I was shooting prep football at Manitou High School (read: a cave).
Kirk, one of the staffers, was working the desk tonight so I borrowed his D3 for the game. I don't know how I would have shot the game if I didn't have that camera because the lighting conditions pushed the limits far beyond anything that I have ever seen. In the MIDDLE of the field my settings were 1/640th, f2.8 @ 12,800 ISO. No that is not a typo. Near the end-zones I was at 1/320, f/2.8 @ 25,600 ISO. Now do you believe that I was shooting in a cave? You will probably think that I'm nuts but the files at those high ISO's looked stellar and for the newspaper I didn't even blink when I filed my images.
Now I'm a tried and true Canon guy but the Nikon D3 definitely has Canon beat at the moment. I was a little sad when I gave Kirk his camera back this evening and I'm sure the entire staff is going to cry, literally, when they have to send each of their D3's back to Nikon on October 6th.
Funny enough the image above was shot with my 30D. I get a few funny looks when I work the sidelines with long glass on a Nikon and then two Canon bodies around my neck. My Canon stuff is wayyyyyy better than the company issued D2H bodies (gross) so they encouraged me to use my gear when I can. Everything is covered under insurance so I don't have anything to worry about.
I have judo at the Olympic Training Center in the morning and then CC football in the awful light at high noon. I shot the Denver Gymnastics individual, class and team photos this past Wednesday so as soon as I'm doing editing them I'll be sure to put something up.
I mailed winter internship applications to Baltimore, Chattanooga, Columbus, Cedar Rapids and St. Louis today so keep your fingers crossed.
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