Monday, May 25, 2009

Graduation marathon

This weekend marked the beginning of what will be a graduation marathon over the course of the next couple of weeks. Our paper covers all twenty or so graduation ceremonies in the county so there will be plenty of opportunities to photograph the never ending pomp and circumstance. I imagine that you can get burnt out after shooting a few of these so I'm glad that I'm going to miss several of them next weekend when I'm in Denver to shoot a few weddings.

Thursday and Friday I was in the gym at McHenry High School East and Marengo High School. I was delighted to arrive at Richmond-Burton High School today to find out that the ceremony was outside under blue skies and sunshine.

I tried to get in close and shoot with a wide angle as much as possible to really put the viewer in the moment. At first that was a challenge because it's hard to hide from a group of teenagers with a Tiger Woods hat on and a pair of large black boxes hanging from each shoulder but they soon forgot that I was there and I was able to capture some raw emotion. I was really surprised that I didn't see any tears in my first three ceremonies. Hopefully I'll be able to find some contrasting emotions on Tuesday at my next ceremony.


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