Friday, December 4, 2009

Full House

DU Magazine

This is not your average family.

Back in October I shot a feature story for University of Denver Magazine. The winter issue of the quarterly magazine just published so I thought I would finally share the images and layout with you.

The family structure is rather unconventional but writer Jessica Centers Glynn does her best to describe it. In the story, she writes:

"Geoffrey [Bateman], a full-time lecturer in DU's writing program, is Zian and Eliot's father. They also have two moms -- lesbian couple Indra Lusero (a DU law student) and Allison Hoffman Lusero -- and another father, Geoffrey's partner, Mark Thrun. The boys took their mothers' last name -- Lusero."

Going into the assignment I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was interested to see what the family dynamic was actually like and how they all interacted. Photographing six people at once can be challenging at times but I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was with this assignment. They were a great group of people to work with and if it wasn't for their unique situation you would think that they are the stereotypical perfect family.

I shot the assignment less than 48 hours after returning from my Eddie Adams Workshop experience and channeled our team photo, in addition to American Gothic, as inspiration. I thought it was fitting seeing as though the two families live in a duplex connected by the boys bedrooms.

I often get a front row seat into the lives of people I never knew existed yesterday. This group of six reminded me why I love my job so much.


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