Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The beginning of the end

"Denver sophomore Ilija Gajic warms up prior to an NCAA Lacrosse matchup against Presbyterian Monday, March 24, 2008 at Peter Barton Lacrosse Stadium in Denver, Colo."

I'M BACK. After finals and a relaxing spring break here at home I'm back to my regular posting schedule. Ok I have to admit that the picture has nothing to do with the title of the post. Today marked the first day of spring quarter classes of my senior which means that I'm just over 10 weeks away from embarking a career in the real world. Although I don't know exactly where I will be or what I'll be doing I'll be glad to be done with school.

I've done pretty well throughout my academic career at DU and as a result I only have two marketing classes and an independent study (photography) that I need to graduate. Several of my classmates have three, four and even five classes that they need to graduate and I can not even begin to explain how frustrating that would be. Had I not dropped the one class (Financial Institutions and Markets) my sophomore year I could have graduated last quarter. That would have been really nice but I know that I'm going to enjoy my last 10 weeks as a college student.

The best thing about this quarter by far is my schedule. On Monday and Wednesdays I have Integrative Marketing Strategy from 4-6PM and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Methods of Marketing Research from 12-2PM. That means that I basically have a 4 day weekend. Each class day also provides me the opportunity to play golf either before or after class. You can say that for a Senior this is about as good as a schedule one could have. I tried to schedule my both classes on the same day so that I would only have to go to class two days a week but that just didn't work out, however I'm not complaining.

After sleeping in, :), I caught up on my daily dose of Sports Center only to find out that Tiger didn't make the comeback I had hoped he would. His winning streak, 5, 6 or 7 tournaments in a row depending on who you ask, came to an end. However I have faith that he will return to form on greens that he loves at The Masters in two weeks time.

The first day of classes are merely a formality mostly consisting of Professors providing their credentials as well as the course syllabus and today was no different. It was nice to see the familiar faces of 3 of the group members that I worked with in Innovation Strategies last quarter. Our group worked really hard and we all got along great. This class will have a group project, no surprise there in the life of a DCB student, and we're all planning on working together again. Since this course is the Marketing capstone (final class) the group project is a simulation game where our group is given $7 million to sell PC's. 

The catch is that we will be playing against all the other teams in the class and our grade depends on where we rank in comparison to the other teams. That doesn't mean that if we finish last in the game that we will fail and thus not graduate however it does mean that if we want to get an A in the class then we better finish in the top two spots. From what I've heard the game gets pretty intense among teams and almost ruthless at times. I'm looking forward to the challenge because you will not find a more competitive person on the planet than me, well...maybe Tiger but I haven't met him (yet) so I couldn't tell you.

After class I was deciding between driving to Colorado Springs to watch the gymnastics girls compete against Air Force or staying on campus to shoot men's lacrosse battle Presbyterian. Both Air Force and Presbyterian are awful so it was really between which blowout I wanted to see. I didn't really want to spend the gas money ($3.09/gal today) to drive to the Springs and my brother plays soccer for Presbyterian, which is in South Carolina by the way, so I decided to shoot lacrosse since I hadn't shot anything in nearly a week. Denver won in blowout fashion 19-5. It was a night game so since the light was terrible (1600ISO, 1/500 @ f/2.8 which was still underexposed) I only shot the first half, moved a few images to the SID Celya for the website and packed it up. I stopped by a friends house for a few minutes and then drove home. I made a quick Italian chicken pasta salad and have been hanging out up to now.

Class tomorrow is another late start, 12pm, but I'm going to get some sleep. Hopefully I've caught everyone up but if you're dying to know more, like some people I know (Sarah), shoot me an email. Night.


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