Friday, March 7, 2008

Off to a piercing start

"Long Beach State student Eric Kam draws his bow during Archery Club practice Thursday, March 6, 2008 on campus. Using a specially designed bow, Eric fires his arrow at a rate of over 310 feet per second." 
Yesterday's opening activities at the Sports Shooter Academy here in Irvine, California were great but the real fun began today. I was great to break out the gear and actually see what you're made of. The day did start off to a sour start when we found out that Canon forgot the ship the amazing amount of gear to the workshop and it wouldn't arrive until Friday morning. This was kind of annoying considering that I woke up at 7:15am to make sure I was one of the first ones to check out some gear. I'm really looking forward to checking out a 400 2.8 or maybe even something longer. Being a student means that I don't always get to play with the big toys...if you want to call a $6,500 lens a "toy."

Anyway, the day started off with Donald Miralle's portrait lighting class. Don brought in two professional volleyball players from the AVP and had two different studio set-ups. This ended up being more of a free-for-all than a class. Everyone had the opportunity to take a few shots with the athletes which was great but at the same time it was complete chaos with 25 photographers. I made a few "ok" images but nothing amazing.

After making some sandwiches and packing up all our gear Mike, Brandon and myself headed to Long Beach State University for beach volleyball. Unfortunately one of the four AVP players had to cancel at the last minute so the three women worked some drills for the thirty or so photographers there. I was frustrated trying to find something unique. Everyone was bound to get the same images and I definitely didn't want to submit any of the same images for the morning slideshow. I noticed that eh Long Beach Archery Club was practicing about 400 yards from where volleyball was taking place so I decided to grab some of my gear and head over there. 

The club President, Raymond Macias, was really nice and let me do just about whatever I wanted. The shot from above is a result of some of my creativity. The best part was that not a single one of the 30 other photographers followed me so I am anxious to get everyone's reactions tomorrow morning at the slideshow.

It's almost 3am and I'm going to get up early to check out some gear so I'm going to jump in the bed and hope that I can drown out Brandon's snoring with my iPod. Here are a few more of my favorites from the day.


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